Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Pain Scale

The Pain Scare by Eula Bliss was definitely an interesting piece of writing. In this essay she is trying to find a way to measure her pain, but finds it very difficult. She claims that there isn't a number that you can put on pain to rate how strong the feeling is. she ties in a lot of analogies with christ, the number 0, and chronic pain. She struggles to find the desire of measurement for her pain, for an example she says, "The problem with scales from zero to ten, is the tyranny of the mean." I think that this is interesting for her to say because how exactly do you rate your pain with that being said? From her reading, I realized that I too had questioned how to rate my pain when being asked. In conclusion Eula Bliss implies that it is useless to have scales that use number to rank your amount of pain. This piece was at times difficult to read, but I think that she has some really great connections that are apparent throughout the essay.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to relate to it personally. I also think that this is a good summary of the main gist of the article. Next time, try and focus on a particular part or question in the text. Or, alternately, I would like to here more about these personal experiences--describe them in a story.
