Friday, September 30, 2011

Rsearch Paper

Hayley Katzenberger

Research Paper
The topic that I will be researching and presenting is how the American economy has recently been affecting the average couple’s budget for a traditional wedding. I found this topic interesting and completely relevant to my undergraduate studies in event planning and recreation. The topic exemplifies the strong relation between economics and the main focuses of my studies.

My thesis is that the average budget for marriage ceremonies in the United States has proved to be correlated with the decline of the country’s economic status. In light of the economic troubles our country has been experiencing since 2008, the amount of money spent on wedding ceremonies has drastically declined. To support my thesis, I would have to analyze data since 2008 pertaining to the average American couple’s budget for all that is involved in a wedding. One method of gathering such information would be to research U.S. Census records. This would allow me to get a solid understanding of the current average American earnings and budgets. Then with this information it would be possible to survey a sample of American couples to determine how they appropriated their resources for just their wedding ceremony.

A counter argument could be that the economy wouldn't effect the budget for wedding ceremonies because it is something that is very important to the average American family that they wouldn't sacrifice such a religious commitment. But in fact,

As you can see, the economy does have an affect on how much Americans couples are willing to spend on their wedding ceremonies. From a recent survey from the National Association of Catering Executives, “48% said they've seen a decline in wedding spending.” Catering is a huge part of weddings and for that fact, they would be able to determine the decline in wedding budgets.

I plan on using google scholar and other highly known resources to obtain my research. Since the economy is still in a recession, I am able to find current information that is relevant to my research. I think that this topic is important, because it targets almost every individual within the country.

1 comment:

  1. Hayley,

    I really like how you were able to find a topic so specific and relevant to your major. This is something I (would) have never thought about that you have brought to my attention.

    The assignment asked for 3 credible sources though. Although you provide a good fact from a recent survey, you need to find some more specific sources.
