Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The "Banking" Concept of Education

The “Banking” Concept of Education was a really interesting piece that I felt that I could relate to being an everyday student.  Freire states that, “students are depositories and the teacher is the depositor” (318) In the traditional banking type of teaching. Many of my classes are like this, where the teacher lectures the whole period without getting any input from the students. I find that during these classes that I am not exceeding my potential of learning, because I am not fully engaged in what is going on. I find classes where the teacher encourages the students to be more involved are more successful in the long run. The problem-posing method allows students to become “Critical co-investigators in dialogue with the teacher” (Freire, 324) In our English class we are encouraged to express our thoughts through the blogs and the classroom. In both of these situations we are able to create opinions of our own, along with a feedback from the teacher.

1 comment:

  1. good connections. I think that lectures have the potential to be problem posing, but it is not within the space of the lecture that this occurs. Rather, its after the lecture, as you are walking to your next class or perhaps late at night when you are having a drink with your roommate. And, you know, you say to him/her--"you know x, I had a really good lecture today on z" --and conversation ensues.

    The power of the blog and the small classroom is the ability to use class time to create meaning together.
